Sunday, 11 October 2009

Tattersalls 01-11.10.2009

Continued from Trafalgar to Turkey

Sunday 11 October 2009 - Delivered paintings, easels and necessary equipment to Tattersalls at Newmarket. There is a 5 day sales week Mon-Fri and I will be there to watch, listen, observe, paint if I wish and absorb the atmosphere.

Monday 12 October 2009 - My first experience of the Tattersalls auctions. Incredible; non-stop horse after horse going for £thousands. I just watched for the first few hours. The auctioneers change; the staff change, but the horses just keep coming. I left at 5pm and they were still going.

Tuesday 13 October 2009 - My first horse painting at Tattersalls; my first horse painting in the UK:

Wednesday 14 October 2009 - Tattersalls Sketch 01:

Thursday 15 October 2009 - Today's paintings: Tattersalls Sketch 02

Mr. Newmarket:

Friday 16 October 2009 - produced a 5th painting of the week: Tattersalls Sketch 03:

Monday 26 October 2009 - Been shrugging off the flu/a cold for the last week or so. Swine flu? Nonsense. Vaccination? No way. I required some days in bed, rest and plenty of hot fluids. On Saturday I began to paint a backcloth for a play Citizen Of The World produced by Mike Levy at Thetford Carnegie Rooms.

Continued on the Sunday too...

Monday 26 October 2009 - Let's see if producer Mike Levy likes this...

Tuesday 27 October 2009 - Keith Eldred had already hung the backdrop by the time I arrived. The producer Mike is now poorly, but the director saw, liked and approved.

Saturday 31 October 2009 - Arsenal 3 Tottenham 0, excellent. Went to see the play Citizen Of The World at the Carnegie Rooms, Thetford.

It reminded me yet again what a significant chap Thomas Paine was and is, and how even today he is so controversial he will probably remain an obscure character for the forseeable future as long as church and monarchy remain prominent in our lives.

Thursday 05 November 2009 - I was in bed much of the week a couple of weeks ago. I've been asked if it was 'swine flu'? I did not go to the doctor, simply stayed in bed, took plenty of hot water, lemon, root ginger, honey and the ocassional tipple of whiskey. Rest seemed to work and it seemed like a typical cold-flu. I have heard and read many accounts of the recent 'swine flu' topic and this is one article that came under my nose, example quote: Modern medicine views disease as a mechanistic process, caused either by “germs,” chemical imbalances, or genetics. This leads to the assumption that for every illness, there is a physical cure, either by killing the offending micro-organism, restoring chemical balance through a pill, or cutting out the failed or offending body part by surgery.

Thursday 12 November 2009 - An interesting take on current vaccine issue: Robert F Kennedy Jnr: Shocking Vaccine Cover-Up:

Went to see 4th Kind at the cinema last night. My friends who frequently attend this particular cinema, commented how quiet the audience were at the end. It suggested alien abduction was a serious phenonemon.
Ian Pilmer was interviewed on the BBC Today programme this morning. He was given very little time and I suggest the interviewer was a little disparaging of Pilmer's views: next month's Copenhagen environmental summit will hear a good deal about ways in which the world must and should combat carbon emissions in order to save the planet. Others say that the fundamental premise - that global warming is caused to a significant extent by carbon emissions and that we can do something about it -- is wrong. Professor Ian Plimer from Adelaide University in Australia is among the sceptics:
A further climate change story: World getting cooler, not warmer, insists Bellamy:

Some more links and interesting tit-bits:
A seventy-six year old Indian ascetic who lives in a cave near the Ambaji temple in the state of Gujarat and claiming he has not had food or fluids to drink for the last sixty-five years:

Robert F Kennedy Jr and vaccine cover up:

British bishop Richard Williamson to go on trial in Germany for Holocaust denial:

Sunday 22 November 2009 - Transported my painting station for a return to Tattersalls in Newmarket for a week.
Go to Tattersalls 02 - 23.11.2009